Wendy Visser
Wendy Visser is a University of Guelph English graduate, born and raised in Brantford, Ontario. She now resides in a rustic, country atmosphere on the outskirts of Cambridge, where the fodder for haiku is constant, yet ever-changing . . . like butterfly journeys through the seasons of time. She began to discover the beauty of haiku about ten years ago, and has been immersed in it ever since.
Wendy's haiku have won awards and have been published locally, nationally and internationally. Her work has been included in many issues of the Cambridge Writers Collective anthologies: Writers Undercover, several editions of the Herb Barrett anthologies (hamilton haiku press), the Sandburg Livesay anthologies (Mekler&Deahl, Hamilton), Haiku Canada, and in such periodicals as The Amethyst Review, Hammered Out, Street, and Ascent Aspirations.
Her full collection of poetry entitled, Riding A Wooden Horse, published by Craigleigh Press in 2005, is in its third printing and won the Waterloo Regional Arts Council Book Award, for 2007. Her newest collection is This Side of Beyond.
Wendy is a longtime and active member of the Cambridge Writers Collective here in town.
When not writing, she attends literary workshops, conducts workshops, judges contests, visits schools as a travelling poet, participates in an annual writers’ retreat. Wendy also directs the occasional play for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Hespeler, where she is an active and longtime member and deacon.